& Maternal Immunization Symposium
Welcome to INMIS, our International Neonatal and Maternal Immunization Symposium!
After a necessary hiatus imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are so happy to invite you to join us in San Jose, Costa Rica, on March 12-14, 2024, for our 6th INMIS meeting.
This incredible location will facilitate the participation of experts from all over the world to discuss the state of the art of neonatal and maternal immunization in a global context.
Following the great success of the five previous meetings in Turkey in 2010 and 2013, The Gambia in 2015, Belgium in 2017, and Vancouver in 2019, the theme of INMIS 2024 “Fostering Scientific Collaboration Across Nations” will support efforts to advance the field working together for the future of maternal and neonatal health through immunization by building from our common experiences.
Participants will receive up-to-date information on key areas in maternal and neonatal health and immunization from post-pandemic status updates to breakthroughs in vaccine development and immunization program implementation. The most recent data from current and new targets for immunization will be presented along with the latest progress in the understanding of the basic science of maternal, neonatal and vaccine immunology. The implementation and evaluation of maternal and neonatal immunization programs including vaccine safety, hesitancy, and promotion will be discussed.
The symposium will include keynote and invited presentations by expert faculty, interactive panel and audience discussions, submitted oral abstracts and poster discussions. Satellite symposia with partners including SLIPE, ESPID and IMPRINT will be open for all interested to join. With the participation of an international audience of scientists and researchers, healthcare professionals and trainees, vaccine manufacturers and public health representatives, the conference is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas across a broad range of disciplines and among learners and faculty.
We look forward to seeing you at INMIS 2024 in beautiful Costa Rica!
On behalf of the organizing committee: